Monthly Mani

I never realized how big doing your own nails & doing nail designs was until I got Instagram. For those of you who don’t know what Instagram is, it’s an app that you download on your smartphone and then post pictures that you take with said phone. I follow almost 200 people and out of all those people more than half are probably the most talented girls you’ll ever meet when it comes to nails. Now I’m no pro, but I do like to paint my own nails so I figured I would try one of the manicures I saw someone else post. It’s an ombre nail with a twist:

Now I’ve seen this manicure done quite a few times but the thing that always stopped me was that you need tons of different nail polishes all in the same color spectrum. I love nail polish, but I only have 70 polishes at the moment so that just wasn’t an option. Instead of using different colors what I did was take the main color I painted my nail, Sinful Colors Dream On, and just keep adding a drop of white to it to make the dots a lighter color. I also don’t have a dotting tool so I used toothpicks for my dots. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I did a pretty good job for never having created dots before.

Polishes Used:

  1. L’Oreal I Will- as base on all nails
  2. Sinful Colors Dream On- painted over white on all nails except for ring finger
  3. Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat (putting your top coat on will dull the colors slightly)

If any of you have Instagram feel free to add me, my username is itsmandyj. I don’t post to often just because I feel like I never have a moment to actually take pictures to post! If you like this kind of post and would like to see more of these please leave a comment and let me know! The only way I know what you like to see is by reading your comments!